Did I mention that I was starting a vlog? No?
Well, I am/did and it's more or less me talking into a camera about stuff. Mostly author-type-stuff. The recordings are generally done at stupid o'clock in the morning, so there might could be some real gems in there!
Here are the latest three existing episodes:
This one has a hat in it:
This one has more those loopy bang things:
This is the first one to feature a non-black shirt:
And there will be another one up tonight! Featuring discussion of what I like to call a 'genre buster.' Ooooh.
Well, take care everyone!
I have a hunch the night owlery has a creative connection. At least that is the excuse I tell myself. Perhaps I am delusional from lack of sleep due to my own creative processes that feed in the dusk. Or I can get more done when kids are in bed. Either way, I'm with you.